“Why is a dog scared of a fire?”/“It doesn’t want to become a hot dog.”

A hot dog riddle is:
Q: Why is a dog scared of a fire?
A: It doesn’t want to become a hot dog.

The joke has been cited in print since at least 2007.
Klosi Jokes
Category: Dog jokes
Date Added: 11/10/2007
Joke: Q.Why is a dog scared of a fire?A.It doesnt want to become a hot dog.
Q.Why is a dog scared of a fire? A.It doesn’t want to become a hot dog.
1:27 PM - 14 Sep 2009
Morten Stenbaek‏
Q.Why is a dog scared of a fire?A.It doesn´t want to become a hot dog.
8:45 AM - 9 Jan 2010
Google Books
Sensible Nonsense.. Frank’s Comic Pack:
Humour Pack Series

By Frank Paul
Pg. ?:
Q.Why is a dog scared of a fire? A.It doesn’t want to become a hot dog.
Ok, here is the joke. Q.Why is a dog scared of a fire? A.It do…
botcaster inc. bot
Published on Jan 22, 2016
Q.Why is a dog scared of a fire?
A.It doesn’t want to become a hot dog.
Lucky Score‏
Q.Why is a dog scared of a fire?
A.It doesn’t
want to become a hot dog.
#Joke from #DogJokes in #Jokes,  #Humor and #Satire
7:43 PM - 24 Aug 2017