“Why experiment on animals with so many lawyers out there?”

“Why experiment on animals when there are so many lawyers out there?” is a jocular saying about lawyers. “Why experiment on animals with so many lawyers out there” was cited in print in 1992. “Why experiment on animals when there are so many lawyers” has been printed on a bumper sticker.
The word “lawyers” is often replaced with “politicians” (such as “Democrats” or “Republicans”).
Google Groups: comp.os.os2.apps
OS/2 situation
bill dehaan
Why experiment on animals with so many lawyers out there?
Google Groups: rec.sport.pro-wrestling
[wcw] dusty back on tv
dave scherer
Why experiment on animals with so many lawyers out there?
Google Groups: aus.computers.ibm-pc
Abit TX5 + ATX P/S problem @ boot
Why experiment on animals with so many fundamentalists out there?
Peter Bray
Bumper sticker on a truck “Why Experiment on Animals When There Are So Many Democrats…”
12:35 PM - 4 Jul 2009
Terrell Lewis
Why experiment on animals with so many Republicanss out there?  http://bit.ly/XQ4re
9:54 PM - 9 Jul 2009
haddy nuff
Why experiment on animals with so many Labour politicians out there?
4:50 AM - 9 Mar 2010
Google Books
The Biteback Dictionary of Humorous Business Quotations
By Fred Metcalf
London: Biteback Publishing Ltd
Pg. ?:
Why Experiment on Animals With So Many Lawyers Out There?
Bumper sticker
I comdemn animal testing. Why experiment on animals with so many lawyers and lawmakers outhere.
9:48 AM - 25 Jun 2015