“Why don’t you tell me when you orgasm?”/“I don’t like to call you at work.”

A joke about not calling someone at work is in this husband-wife exchange:
HUSBAND: Why don’t you tell me when you orgasm?
WIFE: I would, but you said not to call you at work.

The joke was posted on the newsgroup z-netz.alt.wichtig on November 15, 2002. New York-based stand-up comedian Rodney Dangerfield (1921-2004) told similar jokes, but not this particular one.
Google Groups: z-netz.alt.wichtig
He said/She said
loves to laugh
(1) He said… Why don’t you tell me when you have an orgasm?
She said…I would, but you said not to call you at work.
Mick Luvbight‏
Husband: “Why don’t you ever tell me when you have an orgasm?” ... Wife: “You said never to call you at work!”
3:50 PM - 27 Jun 2009
Nadia Moon‏
A man says to his wife “honey why don’t I ever hear you orgasm” and the woman replies “well I know you don’t like me to call you at work”
6:11 PM - 27 Nov 2009
Fella asks his wife “why don’t you tell me when you have an orgasm?”.  Wife replies “Because you told me to never call you at the office.”.
4:29 AM - 21 Nov 2010
Mladen Prajdic‏
Honey, why don’t you ever tell me when you orgasm? Dear, you know how you hate it when I call you at the office. 😊)
9:48 AM - 9 Dec 2010
I asked my wife to let me know next time she has an orgasm but she said that she doesn’t like to call me at work.
9:58 AM - 1 Feb 2013
A man asks his wife “Why don’t you tell me when you orgasm?”
submitted July 23, 2016 by 17Hongo
She said “I don’t like to call you at work”.