“Why don’t blind people go skydiving?”/“Because it scares the hell out of their dogs.”

A riddle about the sport of skydiving is:
Q: Why don’t blind people go skydiving?
A: Because it scares the hell out of their dogs.

The riddle has been cited in print since at least 1989.
Google Books
Painfully Gross Jokes (Volume 8)
By Julius Alvin
New York, NY: Kensington Publishing Company
Pg. 87:
Why don’t blind people go skydiving?
It scares the shit out of the dogs.
Google Groups: rec.humor
Mike Brookbank
Q. Why don’t blind people go skydiving??
A. Because it scares the hell out of their dogs.
Google Groups: rec.humor
seeing-eye dog jokes (was Half-browser on his father’s side)
Erik Lode
/ .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (robert.a.littlefield) /  2:20 pm Aug 29, 1990 /
> That reminds me about this one I heard:
> Q:Why don’t blind people like to go skydiving?
> A: Because it scares the shit out of the seeing-eye dog.
Google Groups: rec.humor
Glenn D. Marshall
Why don’t blind *persons* go skydiving?
It scares the shit out of their dogs.
Google Groups: chi.general
Q: Why don’t blind people go skydiving?
A: It scares the shit outta their dogs.
Matt Taylor
@RealPaulRudd Why don’t blind people go skydiving? Because it scares the shit out of the dog.
10:21 AM - 7 Apr 2009
Amanda Moke
@forkfly Q. Why did the blind man give up skydiving?
A. It was scaring the hell out of his dog!
3:44 PM - 5 Jun 2009
Peggy Norris 🚑 🚒
@criss angel Why don’t blind people like skydiving?  because it scares the dog. 😊
9:14 PM - 11 Aug 2009
Google Books
The Mammoth Book of One-Liners
By Geoff Tibballs
London: Constable & Robinson Ltd
Pg. ?:
Why don’t blind people go skydiving?
It scares the hell out of their dogs.
Why don’t blind people go skydiving?
submitted August 26, 2016 by Treyness
Because it scares the shit out of the dog.