“Why does North Korea excel at drawing straight lines?”/“Because they have a supreme ruler.”

North Korea has a “supreme leader” or “supreme ruler.” A joke was posted on Reddit—Jokes on August 14, 2017:
Q: Why does North Korea excel at drawing straight lines?
A: Because they have a supreme ruler.

Wikipedia: Supreme leader
A supreme leader typically refers to the person among a number of leaders of a state, organization or other such group who has been given or is able to exercise the most – or complete – authority over it. In a religion, this role is usually satisfied by a person deemed to be the representative or manifestation of a god or gods on Earth. In politics, a supreme leader usually has a cult of personality associated with them, such as below: ...
Why does North Korea excel at drawing straight lines?
submitted August 14, 2017 by Conspiracycat1
Because they have a supreme ruler
Best of Reddit‏
Why does North Korea excel at drawing straight lines? : Because they have a supreme ruler
1:26 AM - 14 Aug 2017
Why does North Korea excel at drawing straight lines?
Because they have a supreme ruler
1:49 AM - 14 Aug 2017
Jan Schill‏
Why does North Korea excel at drawing straight lines?
Because they have a supreme ruler
-from Reddit-
4:28 AM - 14 Aug 2017