“Why does anyone need an AR-15 rifle?”

Entry in progress—BP
“Don’t ask why I need an AR-15. Ask why an IRS agent needs one,” “It’s the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs” and “Nobody needs an AR15? Nobody needs a whiny little bitch either, yet here you are” are related sayings.
Wikipedia: AR-15 style rifle
An AR-15 style rifle is any lightweight semi-automatic rifle based on the Colt AR-15 design.
The original AR-15 itself is a scaled-down derivative of Eugene Stoner’s AR-10 design. The then Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corporation division ArmaLite sold the U.S. Patent 2,951,424 and trademarks to Colt’s Manufacturing Company in 1959. After most of Colt’s patents for the Colt AR-15 expired in 1977, many firearm manufacturers began to produce copies of the Colt AR-15. Despite the patents expiring, Colt retained the trademark of the AR-15 and is the sole manufacturer able to label their firearms as AR-15.

The Federal Assault Weapons Ban restricted the sale of the Colt AR-15 and some derivatives in the United States from 1994 to 2004, although it did not affect rifles with fewer listed features.
Why Does Anyone Need an AR15 Rifle? A Coherent Answer
by Matthew Maruster on March 30, 2021 in Firearms Ownership, National, News, Opinion, Politics
When was the last time you heard that AR15 assault rifles and other weapons of war have no place on our streets? Will banning or highly regulating all AR15 rifles make the average citizen safer? And who needs an AR 15 anyhow? Finally, what are the top reasons for owning an AR15? I hope to answer these questions and maybe challenge some pre-conceived thoughts on the topic.