“Why do the Japanese smoke before overthrowing the government?”/“They love haikus.”

“High coup” sounds like “haiku.” “The haiku is a high coup” was posted on Twitter on March 10, 2011. “Japanese army, overthrows the government. It was a high coup. #haiku” was posted on Twitter on February 24, 2012.
“Why do the Japanese smoke before overthrowing the government?”/“They love haikus” was posted on Reddit—Jokes on October 14, 2017.
David Lockwood‏
Replying to @EMMcGrath
@EMMcGrath Perhaps they were attempting haiku and ended up with a high-coup instead?
10:55 PM - 16 Jun 2009
Amos / Soma‏
The haiku is a high coup. Assault on the banal, or, a salt on the banal. #homophones
11:00 AM - 10 Mar 2011
Closed Account‏
#dontgetmestarted I always thought a haiku was when a bunch of stoners tried to overthrow the government
1:11 PM - 12 May 2011
Erik Rasmussen‏
A bunch of stoners /
Overthrow the government. /
That’s called a “high coup”!
#haiku #legalize #wordplay
9:38 AM - 18 Sep 2011
JJ Wistow‏
Japanese army,
overthrows the government.
It was a high coup.
5:21 AM - 24 Feb 2012
I’m getting haiku and highcoup mixed up again. Which one is the short Japanese poem and which one is where stoners overthrow the government?
8:56 AM - 4 Apr 2012
Owen John Beckett‏
A high coup:
Smoke some cannabis,
Overthrow the government
on hot air balloon.
11:42 AM - 3 Feb 2014
Daouist 3rd-Worldist‏
Q: What do you call it when writers overthrow the government?
A: a Haiku d’etat
9:57 AM - 21 Aug 2016
zavior phillips‏
Replying to @adamlaporte98
A group of stoners
overthrow their government.
This is a high coup.
Now it’s a high coup haiku.
10:33 AM - 25 Jul 2017
Why do the Japanese smoke before overthrowing the government?
submitted October 14, 2017 by vicarious_passenger
They love Haikus