“Why do politicians take laxatives?”/“So they can speak more fluently.”

There’s a joke for those who believe that politicians are full of crap:
Q: Why do politicians take laxatives?
A: So they can speak more fluently.

The joke was posted on Reddit on July 19, 2016, and then reposted on Reddit on September 16, 2016.
Why do politicians take laxatives?
submitted July 19, 2016 by Knifek100
So they can speak more fluently
Why do politicians take laxatives? via /r/Jokes
7:55 PM - 19 Jul 2016
Why do politicians take laxatives? So they can speak more fluently #lolohmy
9:15 PM - 19 Jul 2016
travis smith
@OPiMeme a politician always need a laxative cause they always full of crap
8:55 AM - 28 Jul 2016
Georgia, USA
Why do politicians take laxatives?
submitted September 13, 2016 by 3NoncollinearPoints
So that they can speak more fluently!