“Why do Mexicans never cross the border in groups of three?”/“Because a sign says ‘No Trespassing.’”

A riddle about border crossings is:
Q: Why do Mexicans never cross the border in groups of three?
A: Because the sign says “No Trespassing.”

“Tres” is the Spanish word for “three.” The joke has been cited in print since at least 2009 and has been printed on several images.
R/C Tech Forums
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04-06-2009, 10:34 PM   #56
Why do mexicans only cross the border in groups of twos or fours but never three?
Leeroy Rios‏
when mexicans cross the border they cross with 1 2 or 4 peps cause the sign says no trespassing
8:39 PM - 7 Jun 2009
Jessica Cooper‏
Why don’t Mexicans cross the border in 3’s?
Because it says “No Trespassing”
11:56 AM - 11 Jun 2009
RT @sugartastic: @MyBwaiTaps Why don’t Mexicans cross the border in threes? The sign says, “No trespassing.” EL OH EL!
12:48 AM - 3 Jul 2009
Dennis told me a joke: Why don’t mexicans cross the border in three? Cause the sign says no TRESpassing. HAHA! (=
8:53 PM - 26 Feb 2010
GOogle Groups: alt.impeach.bush
What’s a mexican’s favorite sport? cross country
Oath Keeper
Why don’t mexicans cross the border in 3’s?
Because it says no trespassing
Lite Eyez‏
“Why don’t mexicans cross the border in three’s?” ( Because it always says “No TRESpassing” ) lmao
3:15 PM - 5 May 2010
Why don’t Mexicans cross the border in groups of three?
submitted February 2, 2013 by nikiverse
Because it says “No Trespassing”.
Why don’t Mexicans cross the border in three’s?
submitted April 17, 2015 by CattleDecrapitation
The sign says “no trespassing.”
Why do Mexicans never cross the border in groups of three?
submitted April 27, 2017 by wackoclown
Because the sign says “No Trespassing”