“Why did the scarecrow get a promotion?”/“Because he was outstanding in his field.”

A popular scarecrow pun is:
Q: Why did the scarecrow win a promotion?
A: Because he was outstanding in his field.

“Why did the scarecrow get a Nobel Prize? Because he was outstanding in his field” was posted to the newsgroup alt.humor on November 23, 1999.
Google Groups: alt.humor
is this a joke?
Peter Besley
Why did the scarecrow get a Nobel Prize?
Because he was outstanding in his field.
Google Groups: uk.local.cumbria
Goodnite all
Ken Battersby
Or the other old one….
“I say, I say, I say.  Why did the scarecrow receive the Nobel prize?”
“I don’t know.  Why did the scarecrow receive the Nobel prize?”
“For outstanding achievement in his field.”
Google Groups: alt.humor.puns
Kids Puns of the Weak 05-04-04
Stan Kegel
Why did the scarecrow win a Nobel Peace Prize?
He was outstanding in his field! (Daily Groaner)
Jon Wheatley
why did the scarecrow win an award?
because he was out standing in his field. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL
10:01 PM - 26 Feb 2008
Google Books
The Mammoth Book of Really Silly Jokes
By Geoff Tibballs
London: Constable & Robinson Ltd
Pg. 99:
Why did the scarecrow win an award?
Because he was outstanding in his field.
Google Books
Best Ever Classroom Jokes:
Because some of us never grow up

By Mike Haskins
New York, NY: Pavilion Books
Pg. ?:
Why did the scarecrow get a promotion?
The farmer had found him outstanding in his field.
Why did the scarecrow get a promotion?
submitted August 18, 2016 by iceberger3
He was outstanding in his field.