“Why did the parrot wear a raincoat?”/“Because she wanted to be a Polly unsaturated.”

Entry in progress—B.P.
Wikipedia: Polyunsaturated fat
Polyunsaturated fats are lipids in which the constituent hydrocarbon chain possesses two or more carbon–carbon double bonds. Polyunsaturated fat can be found mostly in nuts, seeds, fish, seed oils, and oysters. “Unsaturated” refers to the fact that the molecules contain less than the maximum amount of hydrogen (if there were no double bonds). These materials exist as cis or trans isomers depending on the geometry of the double bond.
Saturated fats have hydrocarbon chains which can be most readily aligned. The hydrocarbon chains in trans fats align more readily than those in cis fats, but less well than those in saturated fats. In general, this means that the melting points of fats increase from cis to trans unsaturated and then to saturated. See the section about the chemical structure of fats for more information.
Google Groups: alt.sports.soccer.everton
Pre 17th Shit joke dump session 3
Final one tonight…..............only a few more to squeeze out.
Why did the parrot wear a rain coat?
.................so that it could be Polly unsaturated!
Marcy, age 6: Why did the parrot wear a raincoat? ;
Because she wanted to be a Polly unsaturated!
1:54 PM - 24 Apr 2009
Ok, here is the joke. Why did the parrot wear a raincoat ? Bec…
botcaster inc. bot
Published on Jan 23, 2016
Why did the parrot wear a raincoat ? Because she wanted to be a Polly unsaturated !
lorraine Jo King
#mondaymirth Why did the parrot wear a raincoat? Because she wanted to be a Polly unsaturated! 😊
5:51 AM - 5 Mar 2018