“Why can’t diabetics get vengeance?”/“Because vengeance is sweet.”

“Revenge is sweet” is a proverb that dates to at least the 16th century. “Revenge, why can’t diabetics get revenge?  Because revenge is sweet!!!” was cited on Twitter on August 10, 2013. “Why can’t diabetics get vengeance? Because vengeance is sweet” was cited on Twitter on February 25, 2016.
“Revenge is sweet and not fattening” is another joke that uses the same proverb.
Google Books
Oxford Dictionary of Proverbs
By John Simpson and Jennifer Speake
New York, NY: Oxford University Press
Pg. ?:
REVENGE is sweet
1566 W. PAINTER Palace of Pleasure 300 Vengeance is sweete vnto him, which in place of killing his enemy, giueth life to a perfect frende.
1609 JONSON iIlent Woman IV.V. O reuenge, how sweet art thou!
1658 Whole Duty of Man XVI. 346 ‘Tis a devilish phrase in the mouth of men, that revenge is sweet. .. Is it possible there can be any such sweetnesse in it?
Revenge, why can’t diabetics get revenge?  Because revenge is sweet!!!
1:13 PM - 10 Aug 2013
Mohd Zulhelmi
Why can’t diabetics seek revenge?
Because revenge is sweet.
1:40 AM - 4 Apr 2015
Vane Gentile
Why can’t diabetics get revenge ? Because revenge is sweet.
8:56 PM - 1 Aug 2015
Why can’t diabetics get vengeance? Because vengeance is sweet 😝
9:01 AM - 25 Feb 2016
Why cant diabetics have vengeance?
submitted April 22, 2016 by allykibo
Because vengeance is sweet.