“Why aren’t bananas ever lonely?”/“Because they come in bunches.”

A joke about bananas is:
Q: Why aren’t bananas ever lonely?
A: Because they come in bunches.

The joke has been cited in print since at least 1966.
16 January 1966, The Register (Santa Ana, CA), “Junior WOmen Call For Volunteers To Help COmbat Crippling Ailment” by Ron Armstrong, pg. 29, col. 5:
SOUTH LAGUNA—“Bobby, why don’t bananas ever get lonely?”
“Because they always come in bunches,” the 10-year-old answered quickly as he was being pushed, twisted and pulled on his “exercise table” by five members of the Laguna Beach Junior Woman’s Club.
Google Books
Treasury of Literature
By Roger C. Farr and Dorothy S. Strickland
Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace & Co.
Pg. 305:
Why aren’t bananas ever lonely?
Because they come in bunches.
Google Books
Brilliant Class-Led Assemblies for Key Stage 2
By Katie Harris and Amanda Macnaughton
Dunstable, Bedfordshire: Brilliant Publications
Pg. 47:
Why aren’t bananas ever lonely? Because they come in bunches!
Wayne Conyers
#moonfruit Q) Why aren’t bananas ever lonely?
A) Because they come in bunches!
5:50 AM - 6 Jul 2009
20 June 2014, Portales (NM) News-Tribune, “Summer Jokes & Riddles,” pg. 9, col. 2:
Why are bananas never lonely?
A: Because they come in bunches.
Marlene, 2nd grade
Active NT
Lunchtime Titter: Why are bananas never lonely? Because they come in bunches! #lovethefruitandveg
6:31 AM - 7 Apr 2016