“Why are waiters good at math?”/“They know all their tables.”

A riddle about knowing multiplication tables is:
Q: Why are waiters good at math?
A: They know all their tables.

The joke was included in a 1983 book on riddles and puns.
Google Books
Remember the a la mode:
Riddles and Puns

By Charles Keller
Illustrated by Lee Lorenz
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall
Pg. ?:
Why are waiters good at sums?
Because they know their tables.
Google Groups: alt.humor
Puns of the Weak 02/01/02
Stan Kegel
Waiters are good at multiplication because they know their tables.  (Pun of the Day)
3 February 2002, Sunday Herald-Sun (Melbourne, Australia), “Laugh out loud,” pg. F6:
Q.Why are waiters so good at sums?
A.Because they know their tables.
Liam, 8, Rosebud
Google Groups: alt.humor.puns
Puns of the Weak 04-25-03
Stan Kegel
Why are waiters good in multiplying?
Because they know their tables (Jennie, 11)
fabulous savings
Why are waiters so good at multiplication? They know their tables! Get 80% off at @Restaurant_com w/ our free #coupons: http://ow.ly/67P63
10:30 PM - 20 Aug 2011
Bronx Science Joke of the Day
May 4, 2015 ·
Joke #99:
“Why are waiters good at math?”
They know all their tables!
Shanz Dev
Why are waiters good at multiplication?
Because they know their tables!
Ha! See how that went?! Yeah!
Happy Tuesday!!
8:18 AM - 26 Jan 2016