“Who Wants Jack Daniel’s?” or “We Want Jack Daniel’s” (WWJD)

“What Would Jesus Do?” (WWJD) is a saying from the 19th century. A drink variant of “WWJD”—“Who Wants Jack Daniel’s?” (“We Want Jack Daniel’s”)—has been in print since at least 1997. “We Want Jack Daniel’s” has been printed on several gift items, such as T-shirts.
“WWJD” culinary variants include “Who Wants Jelly Donuts?” and “What Would Julia (Child) Do?,” both from about 1997. “What Would Jesus Brew?” (WWJB) has been cited in print since at least 2004.
Wikipedia: Jack Daniel’s
Jack Daniel’s is a brand of Tennessee whiskey that is among the world’s best-selling liquors and is known for its square bottles and black label. It is produced in Lynchburg, Tennessee by Jack Daniel Distillery, which has been owned by the Brown-Forman Corporation since 1956. Despite the operational distillery, Jack Daniel’s home county of Moore is a dry county.
White WWJD - We Want Jack Daniels T-Shirts
Created by: Hellsbane
Google Groups: alt.fan.sailor-moon
Newsgroups: alt.fan.sailor-moon
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Edward G. Britton)
Date: 1997/10/22
Subject: [OT] WWJD
So far, we’ve come up with:
We want jelly donuts
we want jack daniels
we want james dean
we worship james dean
Google Groups: alt.gothic
Newsgroups: alt.gothic
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (lethe)
Date: 1997/12/28
Subject: WWJD Re: KMFDM
This reminds me… Where I live, the kewl new thing for Xian trendies to have is these little bracelets that have WWJD (standing for the oh so profound What Would Jesus Do) stiched on them. Some friends & I have a little game of coming up with new meanings (We Want Jack Daniels! is a favorite), & they’re at
wanna play?
30 May 1998, San Antonio (TX) Express-News, “Church leaders debate fad’s effectiveness” by Susie P. Gonzalez and Suzanne Hoholik, pg. 1B:
The so-called unchurched even came up with a decidedly secular alternative phrase: “Who Wants Jack Daniels?”
Sonoma County (CA) Independent
From the June 11-17, 1998 issue of the Sonoma County Independent.
Plastic Jesus
A cryptic code is showing up on bracelets, T-shirts, and coffee mugs around the world. Now radical theologians, authors, and thinkers ponder the powerful—and trendy—question “What would Jesus do?”

By David Templeton
WWJD certainly was intended as a way to introduce Jesus to others,” affirms Kenn Freestone of Lesco Co., the Michigan-based manufacturer—specializing in promotional items such as golf balls and T-shirts with company logos—that first began distributing WWJD bracelets in 1989.
Alternate meanings for the enigmatic initials are often given by those wearing the doodads: We Want James Dean. We Want Jelly Donuts. Why Waste Jack Daniels?

1 September 1998, Boston (MA) Herald, “What Would Jesus Do? - Four-letter slogan inspires believers - and marketers” by Beth Teitell, pg. 43:
Parodies (“We want Jack Daniels”).
Google Groups: talk.bizarre
Newsgroups: talk.bizarre
From: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) (Roman A Obroubov)
Date: 1998/11/17
Subject: Re: wwjd, indeed…
Who Wants Jack Daniels?

Google Groups: talk.bizarre
Newsgroups: talk.bizarre
From: “Mark. Gooley”

Date: 1998/11/17
Subject: Re: wwjd, indeed…

We Want Jack Daniels indeed.
Google Books
March-April 1999, <>.Mother Jones, pg. 73, col. 1:
World soon developed decidedly less devout interpretations of the letters, such as “We Want Jack Daniels.”