“Who digs the graves when the grave diggers go on strike?”/“The skeleton crew.”
A “skeleton crew” has the minimum number of people—and not actual skeletons—but there’s a Halloween riddle:
Q: Who digs the graves when the grave diggers go on strike?
A: The skeleton crew.
The joke was posted to the newsgroup alt.humor on October 15, 1998.
Wiktionary: skeleton crew
skeleton crew (plural skeleton crews)
1. (idiomatic) The minimum number of personnel needed to operate and maintain an item at its most simple operating requirements, such as a ship or business, during an emergency or shut down, and at the same time, to keep vital functions operating.
Google Groups: alt.humor
Halloween Humor - 22
Craig Bennett
Who digs the graves when the grave diggers go on strike?
The skeleton crew!
Google Groups: alt.humor
Who digs the graves when the grave diggers go on strike?
Craig Bennett
Who digs the graves when the grave diggers go on strike?
The skeleton crew!
Google Groups: eunet.jokes
Who digs the graves when the grave diggers go on strike?
Peter The Great
Who digs the graves when the grave diggers go on strike?
The skeleton crew!
Google Groups: alt.humor.puns
Kids Puns of the Weak 10-26-04
Stan Kegel
Who digs the graves when the grave diggers go on strike?
The skeleton crew!.
Tuffie Toys
Q: Who digs the graves when the grave diggers go on strike?
A: The skeleton crew!
8:56 PM - 31 Oct 2011
Google Books
Super Hot Jokes For Cool Kids!
By Various Authors
London: Buster Books
Pg. ?:
Who digs graves when the gravediggers go on strike?
A skeleton crew.
Q: Who digs graves when Gravedigger on vacation?
A: His skeleton crew! lol
4:59 PM - 16 Sep 2014
Cleveland, OH