WHINO (whine + RINO)

“RINO” (Republican In Name Only) is a popular political term that has inspired other “in name only” terms. “WHINO” (whine + RINO) was coined by Kevin D. Williamson, who wrote in “WHINOS: On the Martyrdom of the Holy, Holy Base” for the National Review on July 12, 2015:
“You know the RINO — Republican In Name Only — but you may be less familiar with the WHINO. The WHINO is a captive of the populist Right’s master narrative, which is the tragic tale of the holy, holy base, the victory of which would be entirely assured if not for the machinations of the perfidious Establishment.”
Conservative Republicans had long blamed RINOs for destroying the party; WHINO is a term that liberal Republicans can hurl back. The “WHINO” term—as can probably be expected—was welcomed by some liberal Republicans and scorned by some conservative Republicans.
National Review
WHINOS: On the Martyrdom of the Holy, Holy Base
by KEVIN D. WILLIAMSON July 12, 2015 4:00 AM
You know the RINO — Republican In Name Only — but you may be less familiar with the WHINO. The WHINO is a captive of the populist Right’s master narrative, which is the tragic tale of the holy, holy base, the victory of which would be entirely assured if not for the machinations of the perfidious Establishment. Never mind the Democrats, economic realities, Putin, ISIS, the geographical facts of the U.S.-Mexico border — all would be well and all manner of things would be well if not for the behind-the-scenes plotting of Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and their enablers, who apparently can be bribed with small numbers of cocktail weenies. The WHINO is a Republican conspiracy theorist, in whose fervid imaginings all the players — victims, villains — are Republicans.
Jon Richards
A WHINO is a GOP conspiracy theorist, in whose fervid imaginings all the players — victims, villains — are Republican.http://www.nationalreview.com/republican-base-and-donald-trump-whinos-are-frustrated-and-choosing-foolishly …
6:39 AM - 12 Jul 2015
Do the RINOs really think that WHINO will catch on? They’re ridiculously stupid. #PantsBoys #tcot #tgdn
1:56 PM - 12 Jul 2015
Hot Air
Maybe the GOP needs a No Labels movement
Kevin Williamson hit back at the nonsensical namecalling at National Review by suggesting a name for martyrdom conservatives — WHINOs. While Kevin has a point, it’s not helped by extending the labeling: ...
son of dis
Well, howdy there, new favorite political classification. #WHINO
4:15 PM - 13 Jul 2015
@EdMorrissey and @KevinNR why can’t we be more “Wine” friendly and sensitive and call them “Wineaux” instead of #Whino? #HotAir #NRO
11:44 PM - 13 Jul 2015