“Which knight kept King Arthur’s food fresh at the Round Table?”/“Sir Anrapp.”

There are many fanciful names given to knights of King Arthur’s Round Table. The name of “Sir Anrapp” (a pun on “Saran Wrap”) was posted on the newsgroup alt.callahans on October 27, 1998.
A riddle was posted on Reddit—Dad Jokes on August 16, 2018:
Q: Which knight kept King Arthur’s food fresh at the Round Table?
A: Sir Anrapp.

Wikipedia: Saran (plastic)
Saran is a trade name currently owned by S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. for a polyethylene food wrap. The Saran trade name was once owned by Dow Chemical for polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC), along with other monomers. Since its accidental discovery in 1933, polyvinylidene chloride has been used for a number of commercial and industrial products.
Google Groups: alt.callahans
My elves tend to be “Cosherdil,” or perhaps “Rei Saroni.”  I once had a human thief named “Manuel Dexterity.”  And I loved my paladin, “Sir Anrapp.”
Google Groups: alt.callahans
D&D 3rd edition.
I always used bizarre names for characters.  My first was a Dwarven fighter named Anvilhead.  After that, it got more creative.  Cosherdil Half-elven was one of my favorites, as was an elven mage named Rai Saroni. Another favorite was my paladin, Sir Anrapp.
Johnny Duggan
I can see clear through you. Youre no real Knight,  Sir Anrap! Prepare to be cleft in twain! Tis I, Sir Raytidedge! #afterdinneracidtrip
6:24 AM - 15 Oct 2012
Paddy Rahlfs
Sir Anrap #seranwrap
5:49 PM - 5 Jul 2013
Reddit—Dad Jokes
Which knight kept King Arthur’s food fresh at the Round Table? (self.dadjokes)
submitted August 16, 2018 by Wes_Rivermaster
Sir Anrapp
Which knight kept King Arthur’s food fresh at the Round Table? Sir Anrapp
10:16 PM - 15 Aug 2018 (Posted after the above.—ed.)