“Which American president is least guilty?”/“Lincoln. He is in a cent.”

A pun about the Abraham Lincoln-head penny is:
Q: Which president is least guilty?
A: Lincoln. He is in a cent.

The penny pun has been cited in print since at least 2002. The “in a cent”/“innocent” joke has been printed on several images.
“George Washington is the only president to have been drawn and quartered” is another popular joke about a president on a coin.
Wikipedia: Lincoln cent
The Lincoln cent (or sometimes called Lincoln penny) is a one-cent coin that has been struck by the United States Mint since 1909. The obverse or heads side was designed by Victor David Brenner, as was the original reverse. The coin has seen several reverse, or tails, designs and now bears one by Lyndall Bass depicting a Union shield. All coins struck by the United States government with a value of 1/100 of a dollar are called cents because the United States has always minted coins using decimals.
My Favourite Punsters—Stan Kegel (February 2, 2002)
Which president was least guilty?
Lincoln. He is in a cent.
Silly Puns
05-29-2006, 02:10 PM
Which president was least guilty? Lincoln. He is in a cent.
Greg Nigro
what did abraham lincoln say to the lawyer? i’m in-a-cent
1:26 PM - 12 Aug 2009
Which american president was least guilty?  Lincoln. He is in a cent.
9:12 AM - 14 Oct 2009
Which president was least guilty? Lincoln. He is in a cent.
6:05 PM - 26 Feb 2013
Which American President was least guilty? (i.imgur.com)
submitted July 22, 2013 by Allison_Burgers
The Talon
10 Worst Puns of All Time
Samantha Kramer and Mary Peyton Brown • February 20, 2015
9. Which American president was least guilty? Lincoln – he was in a cent.
Literally Just 23 Great Jokes
What did the pirate say when he turned 80? Aye matey.

By Alex Naidus and Andy Neuenschwander
posted on Feb. 11, 2016, at 2:00 p.m.
which american president was least guilty
he was in a cent