“What’s the difference between new age and pagan?” (joke)

A joke about new age and pagan (music and other things) is:
Q: What’s the difference between new age and pagan?
A: About $500 a weekend.

That is, it’s essentially the same stuff, but “new age” means more expensive.
“What’s the difference between a New Ager and a Witch? A decimal point” was posted to the newsgroup alt.pagan on February 18, 1996. “What’s the difference between Pagan and New Age? One order of magnitude in price” was posted to the newsgroup alt.fan.tito on April 22, 1996. “What’s the difference between New Age and Pagan? About $500.00 a weekend” was posted to the newsgroup alt.tarot on AUgust 20, 1996.
Google Groups: alt.pagan
Joke: New Age vs. Old Ways
What’s the difference between a New Ager and a Witch?
A decimal point.
Google Groups: alt.fan.tito
CSICOP turns bright pink
Anthony Hobbs
Heh, I’m a committed Pagan, and most of *us* think that New Agers are vapid and silly. Leads to the old joke:
“What’s the difference between Pagan and New Age? One order of magnitude in price”.
Google Groups: alt.pagan
What is a New Ager?
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Way _I_ heard it was: What’s the difference between a Pagan and a New Ager? A decimal point. A New Ager will give you for $300 what you could go to the Wiccans to get for $30. (Heard from a Neo-Pagan Bard friend of mine)
Google Groups: alt.tarot
Halleys and other Comets
+ Howling Heart ?
“What’s the difference between New Age and Pagan?
About $500.00 a weekend.”
Google Groups: alt.religion.wicca
Various Jokes
What’s the difference between New Age and Pagan? About $500.00 a weekend.
Google Groups: nl.religie
Onderwerp voor Werkstuk…
>deze mop: “What’s the difference between paganism and new age?” “about $500
>a weekend”,
Google Groups: tx.religion.pagan
What’s the difference between…
What’s the difference between a Pagan Campout and a New Age Retreat?
At least $100.00
What’s the difference between pagan and New Age? (thing)
by sleeping wolf Thu Oct 05 2000 at 15:01:41
About $500 a weekend.
This joke is a commentary on the fact that New Age often means consume your way to enlightenment. Rather than sitting down and doing hard thinking and deep philosophizing, along with a dose of scholarly work to find your way (this applies to both Pagan and non-Pagan paths), just buy these trinkets, and it’ll all be ok…
Google Groups: alt.pagan
New Age and Pagan
Q. What’s the difference between New Age and Paganism
A.  Usually about 1 decimal point.
(The new age program is 90% based on making a profit)
Daily joke: Pagan jokes and bumper stickers
What’s the difference between New Age and Pagan? About $500.00 a weekend.… http://bit.ly/blKDyX
6:54 PM - 10 May 2010
Deliciously Deviant
Also this one. Q: What’s the difference between New Age and Pagan? A: About $1500 for a weekend retreat.
7:29 PM - 27 May 2013
I think I have a good answer for the difference between New Age and #Pagan, finally. If you can make money doing it, it’s New Age.
8:36 PM - 22 Sep 2011
Marie CryingBear
@BadponyMedicine Old joke: What is the difference between pagan and new age?  About $5000 a weekend.
3:38 PM - 23 Oct 2016