“What’s the difference between a fig and a date?” (joke)

“What’s the difference between a fig and a date?” is a question with several jocular answers. “What’s the difference between a fig and a date?  @kingmidasiv can get a fig!” was posted on Twitter on August 13, 2011. “The difference between a fig and a date is that I’ve had a fig recently” was posted on Twitter on April 14, 2015.
The riddle was posted on Reddit—Dad Jokes on APril 23, 2018:
Q: What’s the difference between a fig and a date?
A: I could get as many figs as I wanted in high school.

Google Groups: misc.writing
m.w Procrastination Poll: Your favorite fruit
“Rick FF”

: What’s the difference between a fig and a date? It seems to me
: that dates are sweeter than figs, but other than that, I’ve never
: known.
They’re the same. Exactly the same. Well, not exactly the same really, but almost the same. They’re both kind of a brownish color, they’re both sweet, and they both grow on trees. They’re both sticky. They can both be squished up in a grinder and used in cookies, or eaten right off the tree. Some people say they’re the same. Kind of like coriander and cilantro are the same but not actually the same. Kind of like that, but not exactly like that. In some countries, the words “date” and “fig” are used interchangeably.
I’m @ a date farm. What’s the difference between a fig and a date?  @kingmidasiv can get a fig!
12:34 PM - 13 Aug 2011
Danielle Schaal
Mom: What’s the difference between a date and a fig?
Uncle Vince: Well you usually get a kiss after a date. #HilariousConversations
11:24 PM - 14 Nov 2013
Richard S. Kazimer
Q: What’s the difference between a date and a fig?
A: Dinner.
1:03 PM - 5 Dec 2013
Overtly Me!
The difference between a fig and a date is that I’ve had a fig recently. 😕
7:36 PM - 14 Apr 2015
The difference between a fig and a date is I can always get a fig.
4:09 PM - 20 Aug 2015
“luke, what’s the difference between a date and a fig?”
“well, maybe one day you will get a fig.”
8:46 PM - 23 Jun 2017
Reddit—Dad Jokes
What’s the difference between a fig and a date? (self.dadjokes)
submitted April 23, 2018 by finbar17
I could get as many figs as I wanted in high school.
Jason Hickey
What’s the difference between a fig and a date? I could get all the figs I wanted in high school #ThoseAwkwardTeenYearsYo
8:31 PM - 22 Apr 2018 (Posted after the above.—ed.)
What’s the difference between a fig and a date?
submitted April 23, 2018 by WhosTaddyMason
Figs don’t scream when you lock them in the basement