“What’s the difference between a politician and an onion?” (riddle)
A politician riddle is:
Q: What’s the difference between a politician and an onion?
A: No one sheds a tear when you chop a politician.
“What’s the difference between a politician and an onion? No one cries if you chop up the politician” was posted on Twitter by Neal on July 5, 2010.
“What’s the difference between a lawyer and an onion?”/“You cry when you cut up an onion” is a similar riddle.
Neal 🇮🇳
What’s the difference between a politician and an onion? No one cries if you chop up the politician.
6:58 AM · Jul 5, 2010·Twitter Web Client
Edson Ribeiro
What’s the difference between a politician and an onion? The difference is when you cut the onion with a knife you cry.
2:06 PM · Apr 22, 2013·Twitter Web Client
Col Ani Jay (Retd)
What’s the difference between a politician and an onion? No one sheds a tear when you chop a politician.
12:29 PM · Sep 15, 2013·Twitter Web Client
What’s the difference between a politician and an onion? No one cries if you chop a politician. #corny #humor #jokes
4:35 AM · Apr 7, 2014·Twitter Web Client
Jokes of the day
What’s the difference between a politician and an onion? No one cries if you chop up the politician.
10:17 PM · Nov 4, 2018·JokesOfTheDay
Posted by u/andersonfmly June 22, 2021
What’s the difference between a politician and an onion?
Nobody cries when you chop up a politician.
Mike Resisting From Canada
What’s the difference between a Republican Politician and an onion? People cry when they cut open an onion.
6:09 PM · Jan 26, 2022·Twitter Web App
Posted by u/andersonfmly March 27, 2022
What’s the difference between a politician and an onion?
There are no tears when you chop up a politician.