“What’s a chicken’s favorite game in the pool?”/“Marco Pollo.”

“Polo” is a game. “Pollo” is Spanish for “chicken.”
“Marco Polo” is a game played in a pool, and there are ‘Marco Pollo” jokes. “The kids in the pool are playing Marco Pollo.  That’s chicken for u non Spanish speaking folks” was posted on Twitter on July 18, 2010.
A riddle was posted on Reddit—Jokes on February 25, 2017:
Q: What’s a chicken’s favorite game in the pool?
A: Marco Pollo.

Wikipedia: Marco Polo (game)
The game Marco Polo /ˈmɑːrkoʊ ˈpoʊloʊ/ is a form of tag played in a swimming pool. The origin of the game is unknown.
One player is chosen as “It”. This player closes his or her eyes and tries to find and tag the other players without the use of vision. The player who is “It” shouts “Marco” and the other players must respond by shouting “Polo”, which “It” uses to try to acoustically locate them. If a player is tagged, then that player becomes “It.”
Jared Hoy‏
The kids in the pool are playing Marco Pollo.  That’s chicken for u non Spanish speaking folks.
10:41 PM - 18 Jul 2010
The Best of Quippsy‏
“Marco! Pollo!” -kids in Panama playing “Marco Chicken” in the swimming pool #kidquotes http://on.fb.me/fbWLSA
8:32 PM - 8 Mar 2011
Rogelio A. Delgado‏
You know you live in the spanish ghetto when you hear the neighborhood kids in the pool playing Marco Chicken instead of Marco Pollo.
6:44 PM - 23 May 2011
Jeff Orlick‏
Im going to opena rotisserie chicken place outside of the Williamburg pool. Call it Marco Pollo.
1:17 PM - 31 Oct 2014 from Manhattan, NY
What is a chicken’s favorite game to play in the pool?
submitted February 25, 2017 by UpInTheTreehouse
Marco Pollo
The Amazingly Lame Joke of the Day
Saturday, May 20, 2017
What’s a chicken’s favorite game in the pool?
Marco Pollo.
Posted by Tim Wycislak at 8:22 AM