“What Would Julia Do?” (WWJD)

“What Would Jesus Do?” (WWJD) is a saying from the 19th century, repopularized in 1989 with “WWJD” bracelets. A food variant of “WWJD”—“What Would Julia (Child) Do?”—has been in print since at least 1997. Julia Child (1912-2004) was a pioneering television chef, much before the Food Network. “What Would Julia Do?” has been printed on several gift items, such as T-shirts.
“WWJD” culinary variants include “Who Wants Jelly Donuts?” and “Who Wants Jack Daniels,” both from about 1997. “What Would Jesus Brew?” (WWJB) has been cited in print since at least 2004.
Wikipedia: Julia Child
Julia Child (née McWilliams) (August 15, 1912 - August 13, 2004) was an American chef, author, and television personality. She is recognized for introducing French cuisine to the American public with her debut cookbook, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, and her subsequent television programs, the most notable of which was The French Chef, which premiered in 1963.
WWJD - What Would Julia Do Shirts
13 August 1997, San Jose (CA) Mercury News,“Celebrating Julia,” pg. 1F:
’‘When I’m faced with a problem, I just think, ‘What would Julia do?’ whether it’s about food or not.”
Google Books
Some Like It Haute
By Julie K. L. Dam
New York, NY: Warner Books
Pg. ?:
I should wear a WWJD bracelet: What Would Julia Do?
These are the Contents of My Head
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
WWJD: What Would Julia Do?
Julia Sugarbaker is a hero of mine. The fact that she’s fictional and only existed on a TV sitcom that ended over 10 years ago makes absolutely no difference to me. Designing Women aired during my late teens and from the start, I worshiped everything about Julia.
Google Books
Ruthisize Me
By Ruth A. Cod
Gardners Books
Pg. 84:
Asked myself, “What Would Julia Do?” As in Julia Child, my first virtual television, cooking mentor.
CHowhound - General Chowhounding Topics
Best food or food related gift you have given or received?
I don’t know if this qualifies, but a foodie friend of mine gave me a greeting card entitled WWJD? As in “What Would Jesus Do?” but on this card it was a picture of Julia Child in front of a smoking oven, and the caption read “What Would Julia Do?” It’s prominently displayed on my fridge.
By Claudette on Jun 08, 2007 10:56AM