“What would be a Cornish pirate’s favorite cheese?”/“Yarrrrg.”

A pirate riddle about cheese is:
Q: What would be a Cornish pirate’s favorite cheese?
A: Yarrrrg.

Cornish Yarg is a semi-hard cow’s milk cheese made in Cornwall, England. “Ah Yarg, cheese of the Gods… the Cornish Pirate ones anyway” was posted on Twitter on March 24, 2010. “Pirate’s favourite cheese? Yaaaaaaarg!” was posted on Twitter on June 2, 2010. “What is a pirate’s favorite cheese? Yaaaaarg!” was posted on Twitter on March 25, 2011. “Yarg? Cornish pirate’s favourite cheese?” was posted on Twitter on April 6, 2011.
“What’s a pirate’s favorite cheese?”/“Cheddarrrr” is another riddle about pirates and cheese.
Wikipedia: Cornish Yarg
Cornish Yarg is a semi-hard cow’s milk cheese made in Cornwall, England, United Kingdom. Before being left to mature, this cheese is wrapped in nettle leaves to form an edible, though mouldy, rind. The texture varies from creamy and soft immediately under the nettle coating to a Caerphilly cheese-like crumbly texture in the middle.
Niffer 🍄 🦀 🦂‏
Ah Yarg, cheese of the Gods… the Cornish Pirate ones anyway.
6:55 AM - 24 Mar 2010
Chris French‏
Replying to @vbloke
@vbloke Pirate’s favourite cheese? Yaaaaaaarg!
12:00 PM - 2 Jun 2010
Chris Myers‏
What’s a pirate’s favourite cheese? Yaarg. #cheesejokes
3:00 PM - 20 Jul 2010
C’est Cheese‏
What is a pirate’s favorite cheese? Yaaaaarg! Just in from Neal’s Yard Dairy, a delicious new cow’s milk cheese… http://fb.me/QZWNKtmx
4:14 PM - 25 Mar 2011
Liz Hyder‏
Replying to @CurtisJobling
@CurtisJobling Yarg? Cornish pirate’s favourite cheese? *leave rooms, hangs head in shame at terrible attempt at joke*
10:28 AM - 6 Apr 2011
‎Lizi S‎ to The Greatest Cheese Jokes In The World
December 10, 2012 ·
What’s a pirate’s favourite cheese?
The Greatest Cheese Jokes In The World
December 17, 2012 ·
What’s a pirate’s favourite cheese?
(Thanks to Lizi S for this one)
Theatre CSM‏
What is a Cornish pirates favourite cheese? ........ Yaaaaaarrrrrrrg!
6:36 AM - 19 Sep 2013

Niche cheese joke - what’s a Cornish pirate’s favourite cheese? YARG!
11:42 AM - 27 Sep 2013
David Penhallow‏
Which cheese do Cornish Pirates like? Yarrrrg
4:22 AM - 5 Nov 2013
Billy Whizz‏
Replying to @guerillacricket
@guerillacricket What cheese do Cornish pirates eat. Yarg
7:58 AM - 11 Nov 2015
Cleveleys Foods‏
What would be a Cornish Pirate’s favourite cheese…. Yarrrrg !!
2:52 AM - 25 Aug 2016
Puns Ville
Cheese Puns
avril 20, 2017
The funniest cheese puns ever.
What would be a Cornish pirate’s favourite cheese? Yarrrrrrg.