“What we resist, persists”

Entry in progress—B.P
Google Books
The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore:
Loving Fully, Living Freely

By Alan Cohen
Kula, HI: Alan Cohen Publications and Workshops
Pg. 170:
What we are not willing to let go of becomes a source of anxiety and threat. What we resist, persists.
Google News Archive
28 November 1983, Mid-Cities Daily News (Hurst, TX), “Seminar Motivates Women’s Careers” by Jane Knapp, pg. 1, col. 2:
‎“What you resist — persists” and “pain before gain” are just two of Danielle Kennedy’s theories designed to motivate women toward successful careers and promotions.
(...) (Col. 4—ed.)
“What you resist — persists” is one of her strongest beliefs. “Do the thing you hate the most the first thing in the morning,” she suggests, “or else it will bother you all day.”
Google Books
The Achilles Syndrome:
Transforming Your Weaknesses Into Strengths

By Harold H. Bloomfield and Leonard Felder
New York, NY: Random House
Pg. 4:
“What you resist persists” is a powerful psychological principle. Even if you change your job or a major relationship, your Achilles Heel seems to follow you.
Google Books
Why I Survive AIDS
By Niro Markoff Asistent with Paul Duffy
New York, NY: Simon & Schuster
Pg. 139:
It’s like the old saying, “What we resist, persists.” Resistance is also another form of control. When our energy seeks to flow in one direction and we resist it, we restrict it from flowing at all.
Diabetes Daily‏
What We Resist, Persists!: This is especially true of bad habits, writes Martha Beck, I agree, and want to share.. http://tinyurl.com/b4ckpa
11:28 PM - 10 Mar 09
you’ve all heard the old adage, “What we resist persists.” And that is the absolute truth when it comes to germs…. http://fb.me/15VsX2Lta
10:33 PM - 17 Sep 13