“What seems to be the officer, problem?” (“What’s the officer problem?”)

“What seems to be the problem, officer?” is what a driver might ask whose vehicle is being pulled over to the side of the road by the police. “What seems to be the officer, problem?” is what a drunk driver might say. The comical drunk language first appeared on the Comedy Central show South Park on December 7. 2005.
Wikiquote: Anonymous
What’s the officer problem?
Wikiquote: South Park/Season 9
Bloody Mary [9.14]
(Aired December 7, 2005.—ed.)
Randy: Let me handle this. What seems to be the officer, problem?
Officer: ...Step out of the car, please.
Forums—South Park
Episode 914 Video Clip
Di Dez 13, 2005 12:04 pm
“Is there an officer, problem?” classic! absolutely hilarious!!! randy at his very best!!!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
What Seems To Be The Officer Problem?
This particular entry will be from the television series South Park. The main character in this scene is Stan’s father, Randy. Here I will be taking this wonderful quote, and give my opinion on how we, as movie and television quote lovers, can use it.
Urban Dictionary
is there an officer problem? 
to be so shwayested when pulled over by the po po and mistakenly jumble up your words
excuse me, is there an officer problem?
by Double AYE Jul 15, 2010
What seems to be the officer problem (Randy Marsh) 
Nilson Gomez
Published on Dec 1, 2012
a clip from the episode bloody mary, season 9