“What kind of running means walking?”/“Running out of gas.”

A running riddle is:
Q: What kind of running means walking?
A: Running out of gas.

The riddle was printed in the book The Zaniest Riddle Book in the World (1984) by Joseph Rosenbloom.
Google Books
The Zaniest Riddle Book in the World
By Joseph Rosenbloom  
New York, NY: Sterling Publishing Company, Inc.
Pg. 112:
What kind of running means walking?
Running out of gas.
1 April 1986, Orlando (FL) Sentinel, “Jumble,” pg. B-3, col. 2:
Answer: This kind of running means walking—running out of gas.
Google Books
The World’s Best Sports Riddles and Jokes
By Joseph Rosenbloom
New York, NY: Sterling Publishing Company, Inc.
Pg. 71:
What kind of running means walking?
Running out of gas.
Google Groups: trevs-daily-family-post
TREV- Jest For Kids 08-09 10
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Aug 9, 2010, 1:18:24 PM
What kind of running means walking?
Running out of gas.
The Holy Cow, פרה ד’אתרא
The following joke is in the spirit of “Venohapoch Hu”:
What kind of running means walking?
Running out of gas!
Via @BennyAvraham
10:48 PM · Mar 17, 2011·Twitter SMS
Posted by u/diivyam99 June 6, 2020
What kind of running means walking?
Running out of gas!
Posted by u/VERBERD September 20, 2020
What kind of running, means walking ?
Running out of gas.
Jimmy RevJim Olsen
What kind of running means walking? Running out of gas! #RiddleoftheDay
11:19 AM · Mar 31, 2021 from West Des Moines, IA·Twitter for iPhone