“What kind of music are scissors afraid of?”/“Rock music.”

A riddle about the game rock-paper-scissors was posted on Reddit—Jokes on March 2, 2017:
Q: What kind of music are scissors afraid of?
A: Rock music.

“What kind of music are scissors afraid of? ROCK MUSIC!!” was first posted on Twitter on June 9, 2010.
Wikipedia: Rock-paper-scissors
Rock-paper-scissors or Scissor-Paper-Rock, is a zero-sum hand game usually played between two people, in which each player simultaneously forms one of three shapes with an outstretched hand. These shapes are “rock” (✊ a simple fist), “paper” (✋ a flat hand), and “scissors” (✌️ a fist with the index and middle fingers together forming a V). The game has only three possible outcomes other than a tie: a player who decides to play rock will beat another player who has chosen scissors (“rock crushes scissors”) but will lose to one who has played paper (“paper covers rock”); a play of paper will lose to a play of scissors (“scissors cut paper”). If both players choose the same shape, the game is tied and is usually immediately replayed to break the tie. Other names for the game in the English-speaking world include roshambo and other orderings of the three items, sometimes with “rock” being called “stone”.
Replying to @annoyingorange
@annoyingorange hey orange! what kind of music are scissors afraid of? ROCK MUSIC!! HAHHAHAHAHA!!! Get it? ROCK music!!
11:33 PM - 9 Jun 2010
Tom Lee‏
Replying to @annoyingorange
@annoyingorange what kind of music does scissors hate? ROCK music. Gettit HAHAHAHAHA
9:08 PM - 5 Dec 2010
What kind of music are scissors afraid of?
submitted March 3, 2017 by kyocon (The date is March 2, in the U.S.—ed.)
Rock music
What kind of music are scissors afraid of? Rock music #lol
10:38 PM - 2 Mar 2017
What kind of music are scissors afraid of? Rock music #LOL
11:14 PM - 2 Mar 2017