“What kind of bar do fish go to?”/“A sand bar.”

A bar joke about fish is:
Q: What kind of bar do fish go to?
A: A sand bar.

The joke has been cited in print since at least 2003.
Bad Jokes
Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2003 11:50 am
What kind of bar do fish go to?
A sand bar.
Hourly Facts
What kind of bar do fish go to? A sand…-  What kind of bar do fish go to? A sand bar. http://bit.ly/6SiZC
3:32 PM - 14 Jun 2009
Funny Jokes
What kind of bar do fish go to? A sand…:
7:10 AM - 8 Mar 2010
Jokesareawesome.com (May 21, 2010)
[joke #84]
What kind of bar do fish go to? A sand bar.
Jokes And Trivia
Jokes and Trivia for November 23, 2011
What kind of bar do fish go to? A sand bar.
Jokes & Gags
What kind of bar do fish go to? A sand…: What kind of bar do fish go to? A sand bar. http://sh.st/nAq2f
2:48 PM - 3 Jan 2016