“What is the left side of an apple?”/“The part that you don’t eat.”

An apple riddle is:
Q: What is the left side of an apple (pie/pudding)?
A: The part that you don’t eat.

The is,  the “left side” is the part that is left over. The “apple pudding” riddle was cited in print in 1836. It was an “apple pie” riddle in 1912, and just an “apple” riddle in 1958.
1 July 1836, Every Body’s Album (Philadelphia, PA), “Conundrums,” pg. 76, col. 1: 
10. What is the left side of an apple-pudding?
10. That which is not eaten.
6 April 1912, St. Louis (MO) Post-Dispatch, pg. 12, col. 7:
Which is the left side of an apple pie?
That which is not eaten.
31 August 1958, Boston (MA) Sunday Herald, “Riddles,” sec. 1, pg. 22, cols. 2, 7:
2. Which is the left side of an apple?
2) The side that isn’t eaten.
3 July 1969, San Diego (CA) Union, “Riddle Box,” pg. D-10, col. 2:
Which is the left side of an apple pie?
The part that’s not eaten.
Trina A. Negron
What is the left side of an apple?The part that you don’t eat.
4:50 AM - 14 Dec 2009
12 May 2011, McClatchy-Tribune News Service (Washington, DC), “Mini ha-has”:
What is the left side of an apple?
The part that you don’t eat.
Lucky Score
What is the left side of an apple?
The part
that you don’t eat.
#Joke from #AppleJokes in #Jokes, #Humor and #Satire
10:11 AM - 7 May 2018