“What is it called when you kill a chickpea?”/“Hummuside.”

A joke about Middle Eastern cuisine is:
Q: What is it called when you kill a chickpea?
A: Hummuside (homicide).

“Hummuside” (hummus + homicide) has been cited on Twitter since April 22, 2009. “If u kill a chickpea does that make it hummuside?” was cited on Twitter on December 8, 2014. “What is it called when you kill a chickpea? Hummuside” was posted on reddit on September 20, 2015.
Wikiepdia: Hummus
Hummus (/ˈhʊ.məs/ or /ˈhʌ.məs/; Arabic: حُمُّص‎) is a Levantine and Egyptian food dip or spread made from cooked, mashed chickpeas or other beans, blended with tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and garlic. Today, it is popular throughout the Middle East (including Turkey), North Africa (including Morocco), and in Middle Eastern cuisine around the globe.
Fishing With Spoons
Why did the pita hut owner get arrested?........he was the prime suspect in a HUMMUSIDE!
2:37 AM - 22 Apr 2009
tie stork
we’re missing a chickpea this morning. investigating a possible hummuside.
11:09 AM - 24 Nov 2009
god free gardener
Why was the chickpea arrested?,,,,,,,,,Hummuside.
4:26 PM - 13 Sep 2010
if u kill a chickpea does that make it hummuside? haha i love to tell good jokes
6:58 PM - 8 Dec 2014
Mira Sage
“If you kill a chickpea, does that mean you committed hummus-cide.”
1:26 PM - 27 Jul 2015
What is it called when you kill a chickpea? (self.Jokes)
submitted September 20, 2015 by MeganCool
Terrible Jokes
What is it called when you kill a chickpea?
1:52 AM - 20 Sep 2015