“What is a pregnant woman to a cannibal?”/“Kinder Surprise.”

A riddle about Kinder Surprise (a chocolate egg containing a small toy) is:
Q: What is a pregnant woman to a cannibal?
A: Kinder Surprise.

The joke has been cited in print since at least 2007.
Wikipedia: Kinder Surprise
Kinder Surprise, also known as a Kinder Egg or, in the original Italian, Kinder Sorpresa (Kinder is the German word for “children”, sorpresa is Italian for “surprise”), is a candy manufactured by Italian company Ferrero and invented by William Salice (1933–2016). Intended for children, it is also popular with adult collectors and has the form of a chocolate egg containing a small toy, usually requiring assembly.
Joke’s Paradise
FRIDAY, JULY 27, 2007
Cannibal Jokes
Cannibal Jokes 1:
Q: What is a pregnant woman for a cannibal?
A: Kinder Surprise
Jp 🐈‏
RT @2_cute_2B4go10 RT @gefocker: What does a cannibal call a pregnant woman?
Kinder Surprise « #LOL
8:07 AM - 14 Jul 2011
lily macey‏
Joke:how do cannibals call a pregnant woman?
kinder surprise
4:43 PM - 14 Jul 2011
Bob Kostic‏
What does a cannibal call a pregnant woman?
Kinder Surprise
2:05 PM - 19 Feb 2012
Rachel Atkinson‏
Followed a french top tweets thing to practice french. One of them is “For a cannibal, a pregnant woman is a Kinder Surprise.” Wtf. #lovely
12:12 PM - 1 Jun 2012
How do cannibals call a pregnant woman
submitted October 3, 2016 by PhiloDom
Kinder Surprise.
Kill me now.
Reddit—Dark Jokes
What is a pregnant woman to a cannibal? (self.darkjokes)
submitted January 19, 2017 by Avionax
Kinder surprise.
What is a pregnant woman to a cannibal?
submitted May 21, 2017 by TheWetN00dle
Kinder Surprise.