“What is a Jewish dilemma?”/“Free ham.”

A Jewish joke about food and money is:
Q: What is a Jewish dilemma?
A: Free ham.

Ham is forbidden (not kosher) under Jewish dietary law—but it’s free! The joke was included in the book Truly Tasteless Jokes (1982).
Google Books
Truly Tasteless Jokes
By Blanche Knott
New York, NY: Ballantine Books
Pg. 20:
What’s a Jewish dilemma’?
Free ham.
22 March 1989, The Guardian (UK), “Have you heard the one about the kids who tell really awful jokes?” by John Lahr, pg. 20, col. 7:
“What’s a Jewish dilemma?”
All of us around the kitchen table were Jewish but happily fed him the “dunno”.
“Free ham,” said George.
Google Books
The Golden Age of Tongue Kissing: Brooklyn 23, NY
By Stan Pollack
Xlibris Corporation (Xlibris.com)
Pg. 77:
A Jewish Dilemma: Pork chops at 1/2 price.
Before I forget - what’s the perfect Jewish dilemma? Free Ham.
1:00 AM - 17 Jun 2008
What’s “Jewish dilemma?”  Free Pork.
6:25 AM - 23 Jul 2008
Google Books
Jews and Money:
The Story of a Stereotype

By Abraham H. Foxman
New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan
Pg. 73:
What’s a Jewish dilemma? Free pork.
Google Books
Jews and Jokes:
A Daily Dose of Good Laugh and Funny Moments

By J.D. Rockefeller
Smashwords Edition
Pg. ?:
What‟s the definition of a Jewish dilemma? Free ham!
-Hey Fat Mike, what’s a jewish dilemma?
-I don’t know
-Free ham!
2:24 PM - 24 Sep 2016