“What happens if you eat yeast and shoe polish?”/“Every morning you’ll rise and shine!”

A popular breakfast riddle is:
Q: What happens if you eat yeast and shoe polish?
A: Every morning you’ll rise and shine!

“The newest is a mixture of yeast and shoe polish for people who want to rise and shine!” was printed in a 1947 newspaper. “One fellow ordered some yeast and polish. Said he wanted to rise and shine” was printed in a 1956 newspaper. “Car wax” (instead of “shoe polish”) is sometimes included in the joke.
1 September 1947, Daily Dispatch (Moline, IL), “WHBF Air News,” pg. 2, col. 8:
SAM COWLING who gives out with Fiction & Fact over the BREAKFAST CLUB on WHBF-ABC each weekday morning, 8:15 to 9:00 A. M., comes up with some wonderful ideas. The newest is a mixture of yeast and shoe polish for people who want to rise and shine!
17 April 1956, Los Angeles (CA) Times, “Muscle Men” by Jack Geyer, pt. 2, pg. 5, col. 1:
One fellow ordered some yeast and polish. Said he wanted to rise and shine.
18 December 1962, Daily Press (Newport News, VA), “The Way The Ball Bounces” by Bob Moskowitz, pg. 21, col. 4;
And then there’s that new drug that combine yeast and shoe polish—the user can rise and shine!
15 November 1963, The News and Courier (Charleston, SC),  “Doing the Charleston” by Ashley Cooper, pg. 8-A, col. 3:
THIS HEALTH NUT FRIEND OF mine has a new pill which she takes three times a day. It’s made of yeast and shoe polish—for people who want to rise and shine.
Google Books
February 1964, Boys’ Life, “Think and Grin,” pg, 74, col. 1:
Q: What would happen if you ate yeast and polish?
A: You’d rise and shine.
—Kenneth Barton, Jr. Springfield, Ill.
19 July 1964, San Diego (CA) Union, “Fun Time—The Chuckle Box,” pg. A25, col. 2:
Bob: What would happen if you ate yeast and polish?
Ed: I don’t know.
Bob: You’d rise and shine.
Google Books
April 1966, Boys’ Life, “Think and Grin,” pg. 72, col. 1:
Johnson: What would happen if you ate yeast and polish?
Glo: I don’t know. Johnson: You would rise and shine.
— Danny Declerk, Pocahontas Ark.
Google Books
March 1968, Boys’ Life, “Think and Grin,” pg. 70, col. 4:
Rob: Did you know that the bakery is making a bread out of yeast and shoe polish?
Bob: Why would they want to do that? Rob: It’s for people who want to rise and shine. — Craig Schoene, San Bruno, Calif.
14 May 1968, Chicago (IL) Tribune, “Riddle,” sec. 3, pg. 13, col. 6:
Who eats bread made out of yeast and shoe polish?
RIDDLE ANSWER: People who want to rise and shine.
Google Groups: net.jokes
A test joke…
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Why would one eat yeast and shoe polish for breakfast?
.... So you can rise and shine.
A bad one from Tom.
Google Groups: alt.humor.puns
Puns of the Weak 02-21-03
Stan Kegel
What would happen to a girl who stays in bed all day and eats nothing but yeast and car wax?
Eventually she will rise and shine. (Archives)
Google Groups: alt.humor.puns
Puns of the Weak: 05-02-03
Stan Kegel
What would happen if you ate yeast and polish?
You would rise and shine. (Kids Jokes)
Rebecca Neufeld‏
JOTW, Tweet Edition: What happens when you eat yeast and shoe polish?
You RISE and SHINE! ZING! Hope everyone had a great morning! 😊
11:32 AM - 11 Nov 2008
Google Books
The Mammoth Book of One-Liners
Edited by Geoff Tibballs
London, UK: Constable & Robinson Ltd
Pg. ?:
“Doctor, doctor, my daughter eats only yeast and car wax, and refuses to get out of bed.”
“Don’t worry. Eventually she’ll rise and shine.”
Reddit—Clean Jokes
What happens if you eat yeast and shoe polish? (self.cleanjokes)
submitted January 2, 2018 by madazzahatterQuality “Ugh” Contributor
Every morning you’ll rise and shine!