“What four days start with the letter ‘T’?” (riddle)

A riddle about the days is:
Q: What four days start with the letter “T”?
A: Tuesday, Thursday, today and tomorrow.

The riddle has been cited in print since at least 2002.
Google Books
Dude, Got Another Joke?
By Bob Phillips  
Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers
Pg. 149:
Teacher: Can you name four days of the week beginning with the letter “T”?
Pupil: Tuesday, Thursday, Today, and Tomorrow!
Google Books
Cool Parent 101:
Fun Things to Make Your Kid Say Wow!

By Alecia T. Devantier and Carol A. Turkington
Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks
Pg. 18:
Name the four days that begin with the letter “T. ”
Tuesday, Thursday, today, and tomorrow.
Google Books
Gonzalo Garza, a Texas legend:
Pasó por aquí

By Gonzalo Garza
Georgetown, TX: WordWright.biz
Pg. 299:
Then I’d say, “I think four days start with the letter T. Do you know what they are?”
Of course they never did, so I told them, very slowly, “Four days of the week starts with the letter T. Tuesday, Thursday, Today and Tomorrow.”
Who can name four days that start with the letter “T”?
9:25 AM - 3 Sep 2008
Google Groups: Americas-Graffitti
Tuesday’s Brain Teaser
Can you name four days which start with the letter “T”?
Answer to today’s brain teaser
Tuesday, Thursday, today, and tomorrow!
Sam Carter
Can you name four days which start with the letter “T”’?
A: Tuesday, Thursday…....Today and Tomorrow #RT
6:38 PM - 21 May 2010
Google Books
Best Ever Classroom Jokes:
Because some of us never grow up

By Mike Haskins
New York, NY: Pavilion Books
Pg. ?:
Name four days of the week that start with the letter ‘T’?
Tuesday, Thursday, Today and Tomorrow