“What does a fat cow give you?”/“Homework!”

Are elementary school teachers fat? A popular joke goes:
Teacher: If a chicken gives you meat and a pig gives you bacon, what does a fat cow give you?
Stuident: Homework!

The joke was cited on Twitter on July 27, 2011 and has been printed on GIFs.
Brad Mazon, Ph.D.
Teacher: What does a chicken give? Class:Eggs. Teacher: A goat? Class: Goat’s milk. Teacher: What does a cow give? Class: Homework. @SMShow
8:02 AM - 27 Jul 2011
Teacher: what does a sheep give? Class: wool. Teacher: what does a pig give? Class: bacon. Teacher: what does a cow give? Student: homework.
6:40 PM - 29 Feb 2012
Teacher: what does a sheep give?
Class: wool.
Teacher: what does a pig give?
Class: bacon.
Teacher: what does a cow give?
Student: homework.
3:55 AM - 1 Mar 2012
Google Books
School Jokes For Kids 3
By Peter Crumpton
PeteyRF Creative
Pg. ?:
Teacher: If a chicken give you meat, a pig give you bacon, what does a fat cow give you?
Student: HOMEWORK!
Teacher: “Kids,what does the chicken give you?”
submitted April 27, 2015 by ghazal_listener
Students: “Eggs!”
Teacher: “Very good! Now what does the pig give you?”
Students: “Bacon!”
Teacher: “Great! And what does the fat cow give you?”
Students: “Homework!”
A kindergarten teacher asks her students what animals provide us…
submitted September 8, 2015 by imdickie
She said, “What does a chicken give us?” and the students replied, “Eggs”. She then asked, “What does a pig give us?” and the students replied a joyous “Bacon”. Finally she asked “What does a cow give us?” and before anyone could answer little Johnny said “Homework”.
Joke provided by my ten year old son.
Teacher: If a chicken give you meat, a pig give you bacon, what does a fat cow give you?
submitted January 29, 2016 by sorryhello
Student: HOMEWORK!
Mad Hatter
Teacher: “What does a pig give you?”
Me: “Bacon!”
Teacher: “What does a fat cow give you?”
Me: “Homework!”
9:34 PM - 19 Oct 2016