“What do you say when your pea rolls away?”/“It’s an escape-pea!”

Peas tend to roll of plates. A riddle is:
Q: What do you say when your pea rolls away?
A: “It’s an escape-pea!”

The “escape-pea” pea pun has been cited in print since at least 1999. “I just pead on the table” is another pea saying.
Google Groups: soc.sexuality.spanking
“Food mortification?”
In article <3712BCD2…@newsguy.com>, Molly B

>Now, as for me, I thought it referred to when you do extremely
>funny stuff like put a “round green item taken from a pod” on
>the table and then call the wait person over, point to said
>green sphere, and complain vociferously about the “pea on the
Or… as in my own family…. the round green sphere on the table (or under it) becomes an “escape-pea”.
Josie George‏
@dottymummy Haha we say “Escape-pea!!” x
4:00 PM - 22 Nov 2009
Andy Steele‏
http://twitpic.com/xj8dg - went out for a meal last night with @shazzybabez ...... Can you spot the escape-pea from the meal
10:31 AM - 10 Jan 2010
Jeffrey Bouley‏
Replying to @kidamon
@kidamon I so deserved that punny retort (side note: My dad’s favorite pun, whenever a pea would roll off his plate: Look, an escape-pea!)
10:01 AM - 21 Dec 2010
Alix Dalton‏
My dad is the funniest guy. If a pea rolls off a plate he always says..‘oo its an escape-pea’ har har har
1:25 PM - 16 Jun 2013
A pea fell off my sisters plate during dinner.. She said ‘Hey up, looks like we have an Escape-pea’ Never been so proud.
4:59 PM - 15 Oct 2013
While cooking dinner this happened.
submitted August 29, 2014 by Axelore
I was making stir fry and opened a bag of peas. One pea gets lose and rolls off the counter. It was like slow motion as I watched it hit floor and roll under the stove. I turned to my wife who also witnessed the incident and said: “We have an escape pea.” ...got a laugh
Shoddy Anonymity‏
A pea rolled off my plate at dinner - it was an escape-pea. Ahahaha #sober
11:04 PM - 9 May 2017
Reddit—Dad Jokes
What do you say when your pea rolls away? (self.dadjokes)
submitted June 4, 2017 by JustaLNA
It’s an escape-pea!
Dad Jokes‏
What do you say when your pea rolls away?
It’s an escape-pea!
#IBetYouDidntThink #dadjokes
12:00 PM - 4 Jun 2017