“What do you say to a naked pig?”/“I never sausage a body.”

A pig riddle is:
Q: What do you say to a naked pig?
A: “I never sausage a body.”

The “sausage”/“saw such” pun was posted on the newsgroup rec.humor on February 23, 1993.
Google Groups: rec.humor
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Sarang Gupta
ObReallyDumbJoke: What do you say to a naked pig? “I never sau-sage a body”.
Bollywood Sargam‏
Pig jokes - 7888 Joke: What do you say to a naked pig?
“I never sausage a body.” .... http://bit.ly/1OX0Om
3:04 AM - 24 Jul 2009
Google Books
Sensible Nonsense.. Frank’s Comic Pack:
Humour Pack Series

By Frank Paul
Pg. ?:
“What do you say to a naked pig?”“I never sausage a body.”“
Ok, here is the joke. What do you say to a naked pig? “I never…
botcaster inc. bot
Published on Jan 22, 2016
What do you say to a naked pig? “I never sausage a body.”
El Cerdo KL
May 20, 2016 ·
What do you say to a naked pig?
“I never sausage a body.”
Lucky Score‏
What do you say to a naked pig?
“I never
sausage a body.”
#Joke from #PigJokes in #Jokes, #Humor and #Satire
10:18 AM - 31 Jan 2018