“What do you say to a mother of members of the military?”/“Thank you for your cervix.”

Entry in progress—B.P.
Long Beach (CA) Post     
AUG 4 2016 5:56 PM
A Hash From the Past: Running Club Serves Up Beer, History and Playful Debauchery
Jason RUiz
They’re witty—Adam from West Los Angeles became “Batman,” a military veteran turned OB-GYN became “Thank You For Your Cervix”—but they carry an important tradition set back in Kuala Lumpur that sought to eliminate rank and identity for the sole purpose of being equal and having fun together.
Posted by u/saxtrav July 23, 2020
What do you say to a woman who has given birth to members of the military?
Thank you for your cervix.
Military Births
July 28, 2020 by laffgaff
What do you say to a woman who has given birth to members of the military?
Thank you for your cervix.