“What do you get when you cross an onion with a donkey?” (joke)

Onions frequently make people cry. A classic riddle is:
Q: What do you get when you cross an onion with a donkey?
A: Most times you get an onion with big ears, but once in a great while you’ll get a piece of ass that’ll bring tears to your eyes

The joke was printed in Rita Mae Brown’s novel, Southern Discomfort (1982).
Google Books
Southern Discomfort
By Rita Mae Brown
New York, NY: Harper & Row
Pg. 182:
“Hey I heard a good one today. What do you get when you cross an onion with a donkey?”
“What?” Lottie fell for it.
Pg. 183:
“Most times you get an onion with big ears, but once in a great while you’ll get a piece of ass that’ll bring tears to your eyes.”
Google Groups: alt.tasteless.jokes
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What do you get when you cross and onion with a donkey?
Most of the time you simply get an onion with long ears, but every once in a while you get a piece of ass that brings tears to your eyes. 😊
Google Groups: rec.humor
Cross an Onion with a Donkey
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
What do you get when you cross an onion with a donkey?
Most of the time you get an onion with big ears, but occasionally you get a piece of ass that makes your eyes water.
23 May 1998, Capital Times (Madison, WI), “Fostering Romance Is Key to Having Marriage,” pg. 3D:
What you get when you cross an onion with a donkey?
Google Books
Funniest Thing You Never Said 2
By Rosemarie Jarski
London, UK: Ebury Press
Pg. ?:   
What do you get when you cross an onion with a donkey?
Most of the time you just get an onion with long ears, but every once in a while you get a piece of ass that brings tears to your eyes.
The Dukes Of Hazzard Jokes
Sidney Curry
Published on Aug 25, 2010
just a part i took from the dukes of hazzard movie sorry about the lag but you can still hear theme talking you just have to wait a bit sorry and i don’t own anything in this video
“You know what you get when you cross a donkey with an onion?...You get a piece of ass that’ll bring a tear to your eye.”
What do you get when you cross an onion with a donkey?
submitted October 28, 2012 by [deleted]
A piece of ass that would bring a tear to your eye.. (I know it’s old but it makes me laugh every time)
George Heymont, Contributor (San Francisco-based arts critic)
Magic To Do
08/17/2017 01:51 pm ET
It’s an old joke, but a great one (Bette Midler loved to tell it during many of her shows). “What do you get when you cross an onion with a donkey? On most tries, you get an onion with four legs. But if you’re lucky, you might just get a piece of ass that makes you want to cry!”