“What do you get when you cross a chili pepper, a shovel and a terrier?”/“A hot-diggity-dog.”

A joke on the expression “Hot diggity dog!” is:
Q: What do you get when you cross a chili pepper, a shovel and a terrier?
A: A hot-diggity-dog.

The riddle was posted on Twitter on July 17, 2012. “What to u get when u hav a chili pepper, a shovel, and a hound dog? Hot diggity dog!” had been posted on Twitter on November 14, 2008, but “hound dog” is not usually the type of the dog in the joke.
Neal Allen Shipley
What to u get when u hav a chili pepper, a shovel, and a hound dog? Hot diggity dog! Lol why r old people so awesome?
6:05 PM - 14 Nov 2008
Google Books
Laughter, The Best Medicine:
Those Lovable Pets

By Editors of Reader’s Digest
White Plains, NY: The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc.
Pg. ?:
What do you get when you cross a chili pepper, a shovel and a chihuahua?
A hot diggity dog.
Kathleen Fox
Why do you get if you cross a chili pepper, a shovel and a terrier?
7:29 AM - 17 Jul 2012
Dolores DiFrenna
Replying to @garysnowpatrol
@garysnowpatrol Bad dog joke # 5 What do you get if you cross a chili pepper, a shovel and a terrier?-a hot-diggity-dog! (ok, I’ll stop)
9:21 AM - 12 Oct 2012
Joke of the Day: What do you get when you cross a chili pepper, a shovel and a terrier? A: A hot-diggity-dog
7:44 AM - 6 Feb 2013
Play Exercise Train™
What do you get if you cross a chili pepper, a shovel and a terrier?
(A hot-diggity-dog!) #Lucky Duck Living #kidsjokesmakemegiggle
11:31 AM - 28 Mar 2013
27 February 2014, Daily Journal World (Lawrence, KS), “A day with Rep. Tom Sloan of Lawrence” by Bruce Giles:
“What do you get when you cross a chili pepper, a shovel and a Chihuahua?” asks pastor Rex Petty, father of state Rep. Reid Petty, R-Liberal. “A hot diggity dog.”
Google Books
Funny Dog Jokes For Kids
By Peter Crumpton
PeteyRF Creative
Pg. ?:
Why do you get if you cross a chili pepper, a shovel and a terrier?
А hot-diggity-dog!
Kingsmark Kennels added 3 new photos.
August 28, 2015 ·
“What do you get if you cross a chili pepper, a shovel and a terrier? A hot-diggigty-dog!”—Basher
What do you get when you cross a chili pepper, a shovel, and a terrier?
submitted June 5, 2017 by Volutus
A hot-diggity-dog!