“What do you get if you cross a jogger with an apple pie?”/“Puff pastry.”

An apple pie riddle is:
Q: What do you get if you cross a jogger with an apple pie?
A: Puff pastry.

The jogger huffs and puffs. The joke has been cited in print since at least 2007.
Wikipedia: Puff pastry
Puff pastry, also known as pâte feuilletée, is a flaky light pastry made from a laminated dough composed of dough (détrempe) and butter or other solid fat (beurrage.). The butter is put inside the dough (or vice versa), making a paton which is repeatedly folded and rolled out before baking.
2 Funny 4 U
Category: Apple jokes
Date Added: 11/10/2007
Joke: What do you get if you cross a jogger with an apple pie ?Puff pastry !
Ashley Angle
What do you get if you cross a jogger with an apple pie?
6:16 PM - 30 Sep 2009
Google Books
The Mammoth Book of Really Silly Jokes:
Humour for the whole family

Edited by Geoff Tibballs
London, UK: Constable & Robinson Ltd
Pg. ?:
What do you get if you cross a jogger with an apple pie?
Puff pastry.
Google Books
Sensible Nonsense.. Frank’s Comic Pack:
Humour Pack Series

By Frank Paul
Pg. ?:
What do you get if you cross a jogger with an apple pie ?Puff pastry !
Ok, here is the joke. What do you get if you cross a jogger wi…
botcaster inc. bot
Published on Jan 22, 2016
What do you get if you cross a jogger with an apple pie ?
Puff pastry !
7 September 2017, News Mail Bundaberg (Bundaberg, Queensland), pg. 13:
What do you get if you cross a jogger with an apple pie?
Puff pastry.
Lucky Score
What do you get if you cross a jogger
with an
apple pie ?
Puff pastry !
#Joke from #AppleJokes in #Jokes, #Humor and #Satire
3:41 AM - 11 May 2018