“What do you call two men hanging from a window?”/“Kurt n Rod.”

“Kurt ‘n’ Rod” is an appropriate name (aptronym) for “curtain rod.” “Kurt N Rod” was the name of a horse in 1966.
A riddle version was posted on the newsgroup rec.humor on April 23, 1993:
Q: What do you call two male quads hanging around a window?
A: Kurt ‘n Rod.

“I went fishing today with my two friends, Rod and Annette” is a one-liner with two similar apt names.
Google Books
Year Book, Trotting and Pacing
United States Trotting Association
Volume 79, Issue 2
Pg. 1332:
64 Kurt N Rod (55), p$0, br m, by James R. Rodney. Chester R. Moffitt, Vernon Center, N. Y.
Google Books
November 1985, Boys’ Life, “Think & Grin,” pg. 73, col. 3:
A book never written: “All About Window Coverings” by Kurt N. Rod.— Brian Duncan, Tallahassee, Fla.
16 December 1988, Rockford (IL) Register Star, “Isaac Asimov’s Super Quiz,” pg. 9D, col. 5:
Two men putting up kitchen curtains.
Kurt ‘n’ Rod.
Google Groups: rec.humor
Canonical List of Quad Jokes
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What do you call two male quads hanging around a window?
Kurt ‘n Rod.
Google Groups: alt.humor.puns
A pretty bad joke.
Two guys with no arms/ legs hanging on the wall..
-Kurt ‘n Rod
What do you call two guys hanging from a window? Kurt n Rod. #worstjokeever
1:33 AM - 27 Aug 2009
A Way with Words
Kurt and Rod
Posted by Grant Barrett on December 8, 2012
A while back, our Quiz Guy John Chaneski gave us a game of aptronyms, and your answers are still pouring in. Like, what do you call two guys over a window? How about Kurt n’ Rod?
Google Books
101 Amazing What Do You Call Jokes
By Jack Goldstein
Andrews UK Limited
Pg. ?:
What do you call two men in the window?
Kurt ‘n’ Rod
What do you call two men hanging from a window?
submitted November 21, 2017 by Maxladd
Kurt n Rod