“What do you call it when a banana eats another banana?”/“Canabananalism.”

“Canabananalism” or “cannibananalism” (cannibalism + banana) is a jocular portmanteau word that has been printed on many images.
“When a banana eats another banana, it’s canabananalism” was posted on Twitter on October 15, 2011. “Cannibananalism: The act of a banana consuming the flesh of other bananas” was posted on Twitter on October 16, 2011.
When a banana eats another banana, it’s canabananalism.
4:24 PM - 15 Oct 2011
Haven Uy
Cannibananalism: The act of a banana consuming the flesh of other bananas.
10:43 AM - 16 Oct 2011
I’ve been sitting here for five minutes laughing at a picture of a girl dressed as a banana eating a banana titled “cannibananalism”.
12:17 PM - 16 Oct 2011
gianna garrett
If a banana were to eat another banana, it could be considered canabananalism #WayToPunnyForMyOwnGood
7:46 PM - 17 Oct 2011
Kelsey Johansen
“do you know if a banana ate another banana. It’d be canabananalism”
5:01 PM - 25 Oct 2011
What do you call it when a banana eats another banana?
submitted March 5, 2015 by FlyinSloth
Reddit—Shower Thoughts
When a banana eats another banana it is canabananalism
submitted April 16, 2015 by MojarraMuncher
What do you call it when a banana eats another banana? self.3amjokes
Submitted July 4, 2015 by FlyinSloth
Samantha Linden
If a banana eats another banana, it’s called “cannibananalism” @KelseyZiemer
11:22 PM - 10 Nov 2016