“What do you call baby potatoes?”/“Small fry.”

A popular potato joke is:
Q: What do you call baby potatoes?
A: Small fry.

The joke has been cited in print since at least 1991.
“What do you call baby potatoes?”/“Tater tots” is a similar joke with a different punchline.
Google Books
The Amazing Potato Book
By Paulette Bourgeois
Illustrations by Linda Hendry
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
Pg. 11:
What do you call a baby potato?
A small fry.
29 June 1991, Winnipeg (Manitoba) Free Press, “Helping to cope with kids” by Helen Norrie, pg. 58, col. 3:
What do you call a baby potato?—a small fry.
Google Groups: Pfitz’s Pfunnies
Potato Puns
Scott Pfitzinger
What do you call a baby potato?
A small fry!
Google Books
The Trains:
An Action Adventure

By Kwame Shauku
Lulu Publishing (Lulucom)
Pg. 50:
“What do you call a baby potato?”
“A small fry!”
SPUD Muffin
Potato Joke 02
What do you call a baby potato? A small fry!
6:22 AM - 11 Nov 2009
Google Books
The Best Jokes I’ve Heard
By Douglas Blankenship
Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse
Pg. 384:
What do you call a baby potato?
A small fry!
🐢Staphlou 🐢
What do you call baby potatoes? 🐌
Small fry 👋
Dude I dont even like you 💁💁
12:45 PM - 19 Sep 2013