“What do you call a vegetarian with diarrhea?”/“A salad shooter.”

A popular vegetarian joke is:
Q: What do you call a vegetarian with diarrhea?
A: A salad shooter.

The joke has been cited in print since at least 1993. The joke has been printed on sevveral GIFs.
Google Groups: rec.humor.funny
Vegetable Medley
Bob Kirkpatrick
My daughter told me this one:
What do you call a vegetarian with diarrhea?
A Salad Shooter.
Google Groups: rec.food.veg
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Q:  What do you call a vegetarian with diarrhea?
A:  A Salad Shooter!
Google Groups: rec.humor
David Malott
What do you call a vegetarian with diarrhea?
Salad Shooter!
Google Books
The Even Bigger Book of Gross Jokes
By Julius Alvin
New York, NY: Kensington Books
Pg. 51:
What do you caR a vegetarian with diarrhea?
A salad shooter.
Urban Dictionary
Salad Shooter
A vegitarian or vegan with the runs.
by kreecher August 16, 2003
Google Books
The Everything Kids’ Gross Jokes Book:
Side-splitting Jokes That Make Your Skin Crawl!

By Aileen Weintraub
Avon, MA: Adams Media
Pg. 64:
What do you call a vegetarian with diarrhea?
A salad shooter.
Google Books
Jumbo Jokes And Riddles Book:
Hours of Gut-busting fun!

By Beth L. Blair
Avon, MA: Adams Media
Pg. 298:
What do you call a vegetarian with diarrhea?
A salad shooter.
Jokes - What do you call a vegetarian with diarrhea? A salad shooter.
Published on Aug 19, 2015
Joke :
What do you call a vegetarian with diarrhea?
Google Books
Fat Poo’s Vegetarian Jokes
By Peter Crumpton
PeteyRF Creative
Pg. ?:
What do you call a Vegetarian with diarrhoea?
A Salad Shooter!
What do you call a vegetarian with diarrhea?
submitted September 18, 2016 by LyricalGypsy
A salad shooter.