“What do you call a microbiologist in an orchestra?”/“A cell-ist.”

An orchestra riddle about a cellist is:
Q: What do you call a microbiologist in an orchestra?
A: A cell-ist.

The joke was posted to Twitter on May 17, 2014.
Leah Ran
What do you call a biology teacher that plays the cello?
A cell-ist.
7:23 PM - 5 May 2014
megs ☀️
@Michael5SOS What do you call a microbiologist in an orchestra?
A cell-ist!
8:12 PM - 17 May 2014
What do you call a microbiologist in an orchestra?
10:38 AM - 21 May 2014
WSE Stiglmaierplatz
It’s bad jokes Thursday!
What do you call a microbiologist in an orchestra?
A cell-ist!
What do you call a can… http://fb.me/2X7C1dpvt
7:56 AM - 22 May 2014
Bad Science Jokes
What do you call a microbiologist in an orchestra?
A cell-ist.
Jun 6th, 2014
Fun To Be Bad
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Really Bad One-liners
What do you call a microbiologist in an orchestra?
A cell-ist!
Posted by The Genie at 2:44 PM
Google Books
Bad Science Jokes:
Jokes for Alkynes of Scientists

By Melissa Miller
Lulu Publishing (Lulu.com)
Pg. 100:
What do you call a microbiologist in an orchestra?
A cell-ist.