“What do you call a chef under stress?”/“A pressure cooker.”

There are several jokes about pressure cookers and slow cookers. This pressure cooker joke is from at least 2002:
Q: What chef thrives under stress?
A: A pressure cooker.

Several politically incorrect jokes have been made about slow cookers, such as this one posted on Twitter on Novembe 2, 2011:
“Q) What do you call a chef with Downs Syndrome? A) a slow cooker.”
A less offensive “slow cooker” joke was posted on Twitter on August 29, 2014:
“What do you call a turtle chef? A slow cooker.”
Google Books
Super Silly Riddles
By Charles Keller
Illustrated by Dave Winter
New York, NY: Sterling Publishing Company, Inc.
Pg. 48:
What chef thrives under stress?
A pressure cooker.
David Wilkinson
Bad joke of the day: What do you call a chef under stress?
A Pressure Cooker. - Thanks, I’m here all week!
5:11 AM - 1 Jul 2010
Durwath Agarwaen
Under Pressure. - What do you call a chef under stress? Pressure Cooker. http://tumblr.com/xpsl08mw2
12:48 PM - 8 Oct 2010
Haywood Jablowme
Q) What do you call a chef with Downs Syndrome? A) a slow cooker
3:05 AM - 2 Nov 2011
Colton Reed®
What do you call a retarded chef???
A slow cooker! Haha #jokesmydadtellsme
11:36 AM - 1 Apr 2013
What do you call a chef with down’s syndrome? (self.MeanJokes)
submitted October 17, 2013 by drkhead
A slow cooker.
Allegedly Hawaiian
What do you call a turtle chef? A slow cooker. Goodnight
10:16 PM - 29 Aug 2014
Huntington Beach, CA
What do you call a mentally retarded chef? (self.Jokes)
submitted March 30, 2016 by SupriseGinger
A slow cooker