“What did the college football player get on his SATs?”/“Drool”

The SAT is an examination used for college admissions. A popular SAT joke is:
Q: What did the musician/athlete get on his SATs?
A: Drool.

The SAT joke appears to have started with musicians (“drummer” is most popularly used). “What do drummers get on their SATs?” was cited in April 1995 and “What do tuba players get on their I.Q. tests?” was cited in December 1995.
The joke quickly developed into an insult to a particular college or university. “What does the average Mississippi State player get on his SATs?” was cited in print in 2001. “What does the average Ohio State player get on his SATs?” and “What does the average Michigan football player get on his SATs? ” were both cited in 2002.
Wikipedia: SAT
The SAT is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States. It was first introduced in 1926, and its name and scoring have changed several times, being originally called the Scholastic Aptitude Test, then the Scholastic Assessment Test, then the SAT Reasoning Test, and now simply the SAT.
The SAT is owned and published by the College Board, a private, nonprofit organization in the United States. It is developed and administered on behalf of the College Board by the Educational Testing Service. The test is intended to assess a student’s readiness for college.
Google Groups: rec.music.makers.percussion
Drummer jokes
Q.  What do drummers get on their SATs?
A.  Drool.
Google Groups: rec.music.makers.songwriting
Let’s have some more music jokes! 
Dave Weisbart  
Q:  What do tuba players get on their I.Q. tests?
A:  Drool.
Google Groups: alt.fan.mark-brian
The Civil War goes on and on and on… 

What does the average Mississippi State player get on his SATs?
Google News Archive
1 January 2002, Dayton (IA) Review, “From the Desk of the Old Salt” by John P., pg. 4, col. 1:
What does the average Ohio State player get on his SATs?
29 November 2002, Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL), sec. 2, pg. 6, col. 6:
Make me laugh
Courtesy of Palatine e-mailer Jim Schwartz:
Q. What does the average Michigan football player get on his SATs?
A. Drool.
Chris Velcro
‏@Velcro108   Q: What does the average University of Alabama student get on their SATs? A: Drool. #BamaHateWeek is just too damn easy. #GoGators
Panama City Beach, FL
3:31 PM - 27 Sep 2011
Google Books
The Savvy Principal:
What Streetwise Principals Know

By Jody Capelluti
Lanham, MD: Bowman & Littlefield Education
Pp. 40-41:
He also would reference his college to make fun of other teachers who went to so-called less prestigious universities: “What did Mr. Daley [another teacher] get on his SATs? The answer ‘drool.’”
Overtime Sports™
‏@OTSportsNetwork   What does the average LSU player get on his SATs? Drool.
10:09 PM - 11 Apr 2014